BOOK NOW 03 308 9779

About Us

We have been serving our community and it's outlying areas for over 30 years. The practice is independently owned and operated by our long-standing optometrist Evan Faulkner.

We offer comprehensive eye exams as well as paediatric exams and emergency care so patients can enjoy the best vision possible at any age. Our team has the training and experience to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions that can affect your eyes, including glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
Our staff assist with booking appointments, ordering contacts, and provide advice for the appropriate selection of lenses and frames suitable for each patient's individual needs - considering both the prescription and their personal taste in fashion. We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care and improving the long-term visual health of every patient that we see.

Our team

Evan Faulkner - Owner

In 1995, after 2 years up in Cambridge and 8 years in the UK, Evan returned to NZ and settled into mainland life. Since then he has built both a name and many friendships within the community - he is still stopped in the supermarket or bank for a chat.

Libby Fenwick - Manager

Libby excels at leading the optometry team in the everyday functioning of the practice. She is passionate about helping people and will work hard to find the perfect pair of glasses to suit anyone and everyone who walks through the door!

Kylie Rose - Receptionist/Diabetic Screening Co-Ordinator

Kylie has a quirky and fun loving personality. She fashions herself as a sunglass aficionado. She handles the reception desk, administrative tasks, and schedules diabetic screenings.

Debra Geddes - Optical Assistant

Debra has come to us with years of customer service experience in the hotel industry. Since joining the team Debra has found learning about optics fascinating and loves learning something new every day.